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[Phone Clss] Day14. Five Filipino Desserts You Have to Try 240313 Casual Conversation - I studied English for my speaking skills all last weekends. - I met my senior from alma meter, he gave to me good tips for my future life. it was a productive day. - In my case, my office-going hour is quite late, so I didn't know it rained : 내출근 시간은 꽤 늦어 - It's still between spring and winter - I connected to this link : 나 방금 접속했어 - There are may mixtures in Korea c..
[Ai 튜터 ] 피드백 항목 문장과 팁 - To be honest, i don't like my country any longer because of many issues, such as medical insurance and president's personality and so on. Therefore i don't want to live here anymore. i chose Germany as the destination I wanted to live. * and so on 뒤에 문장은 새로 시작 - I've been studying at on-line university in preparation for my life abroad. My major is Industrial engineering. So i'm going to..
[Australia news]IWD: Celebrating Australia’s 10 most influential women in sport Article https://www.kidsnews.com.au/sport/iwd-celebrating-australias-10-most-influential-women-in-sport/news-story/20ea975f9ae98a8d03af91122302a971 Top women celebrated in Oz sport READING LEVEL: GREEN www.kidsnews.com.au Summary This news was written for celebrate the day called "International Women's Day" There are many sportswomen who have made Australia's name know around the world : 호주라는 이름..
[Phone Clss] Day13. Talking about daily routine + Discussion about the article 240307 Casual Conversation - That meeting is not for my main job, but for my side project : 실제 업무로 위한 미팅은 아니고 , 사이드 프로젝트 목적이요 - I will take videos of my on-line class that i enrolled in. I need to take five videos. - It's okay because the videos are 50min each, so less than an hour : 괜찮아, 왜냐면 각 비디오는 50 분량이거든 - I have take a class every week : 난 매주마다 강의를 들어야 해 - I haven't had my dinner yet, so i ..
[영어][불량영어] 18강. 비교급 18강. 비교급 1. 동급비교 - 동급 비교와 자주 사용되는 부사 nearly : 거의 비슷한 just : 완전 동일한 EX I have a bf who is as cute as me I am as a hungry as a horse : 나는 말처럼 배고파 He as strong as a bull : 그는 황소처럼 힘 쎄 Ofc i heard that joke, it's as old as heel : 나 그 농담 들어봤지, 그거는 산만큼이나 오래된 거잖아 my husband as much as i drink = my husband drinks as much as me (as는 접속사이자 전치사이므로 접속사로 쓰면 뒤에 S+V, 전치사로 쓰면 목적어 가능) 2. 순위 존재 비교 - more(most)과 e..
[영어][불량영어] 17강. TO부정사와 동명사 명사류 - 명사 - 대명사 -TO V - V-ING - 명사절 EX - come과 go : to,and없이 다른 일반동사 나와도 됨 (특이case) EX Rachel asked me when she could come see me star in ugly woman (주연을 맡다) I will go watch a movie tonight I will come see you tomorrow - see, heard + 사람 + 일반 동사 가능(특이case) EX I saw you cross the street I heard you talk about me To V : ~하기, ~하는 것 EX He told me to be independent I need to make an effort to exercise ..
[불량영어] 16강. 영어 5형식 쉽게 배우기 추가 내용 출처 : [영어문법] 5형식 동사와 목적격 보어의 종류.. : 네이버블로그 (naver.com) - 1형식 : 주어 + 동사 ex I overslept today She looks so fine This cake smells so sweet I feel better than yesterday This dress will do for the party The price vary from 10 to 15 dollars (다양하다) - 2형식 : 주어 + 동사 + 보어(명/형) ex She was a teacher i was born in Daegu It too nice 3형식 : 주어 + 타동사 + 목적어(~를) ex My grandma sometimes cooks chicken soup for ..
[Phone Clss] Day12. + A review of the movie "EXHAMUA" 240226 Casual Conversation I thought my class start at 8:10pm I was just about to take a shower, so nice timing because it's not yet : 막 샤워를 하려던 참이었어서 타이밍이 좋네요 I hung out with my friends who are my previous colleagues, it's been 5 months. so i was so glad to meet them To be more specific, i worked with them when i was univ student. maybe for 2years? All of them are workers the same as me, so we ..
[Australia news]$1.6 billion ‘mega’ wind farm under threat over Tasmanian devil concerns Article $1.6 billion ‘mega’ wind farm under threat over Tasmanian devil concerns | KidsNews Tassie devil fears threaten $1.6 billion wind farm build READING LEVEL: ORANGE www.kidsnews.com.au Summary 엄청많은 돈을 투입한 태즈매니아 프로젝트는 지역 동물 개체수에 악영향을 주고 있다 1. 로드킬 수 증가시킴 2. 서식지를 줄임 바람 터번 산업은 동물들에게 악영향을 끼쳐서 갑을론박이 된다 Tasmanian 데블들이 곧 멸종할 위기에 쳐해서 acen이라는 단체에서 보호하기 위해 애쓰고 있다 이는 기후변화가 큰 문제라는 제기가 되었으나, 차에 치이는 사고가 ..
[영어][불량영어] 12~14강. 대명사, 형용사, 형용사절 12강 1. 대명사 - 명사를 대신 받는 명사 주격 목적격 소유격 소유대명사 (은는 을를 ~의 것) - I my me mine - You your you yours - He his him his - She her her hers - It its it - - They their them theirs - We our us ours ex You and I : 너는 그리고 나는 You and me : 너를 그리고 나를 Between you and me : 사이 너를 그리고 나를 (전치사의 목적어) ㄴ 전치사 between의 목적어이기 때문에 목적격만 됨 전치사와 목적격 - 전치사 뒤면 목적격만 사용이 됨 about along among around at before behind above below beneat..