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[Phone Clss] Day14. Five Filipino Desserts You Have to Try





Casual Conversation

- I studied English for my speaking skills all last weekends.

- I met my senior from alma meter, he gave to me good tips for my future life. it was a productive day.

- In my case, my office-going hour is quite late, so I didn't know it rained : 내출근 시간은 꽤 늦어

- It's still between spring and winter 

- I connected to this link : 나 방금 접속했어

- There are may mixtures in Korea conveniece stores

I've never eaten or drunk that food before, so i can't imagine that taste

- Korea is famous for good meals, not dessert. so that's why it's hard to choose one of the desserts in here

- If i have to choose one of them, the Korean Macaroon is the best. It looks quite different from the type of food in the other countries 




URL : Five Filipino Desserts You Have to Try | Engoo Daily News


Five Filipino Desserts You Have to Try | Engoo Daily News

Part of the fun of traveling is trying new food. And if you love sweet things, that also means walking into a whole new world of desserts!





shredded : 잘게 조각낸, 술취한

mixture : 혼합물

brulee브룰리 : 털이 보송보송한