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Phone Clss

[Phone Clss] Day4. Article - work attitude Casual Conversation - the main goal is to upgrade my work insight and knowledge about this mobile industry - the main issue in this work is sudden errors. - because it never shared its wake-up time with me : 그건 한번도 발생시간을 나랑 공유하지 않았어 - Error always occur suddenly - other than this, i'm not usually very busy - that sentence doesn't make sense to me : 저 문장이 나한테 와닿지 않아 - do i have to add a noun afte..
[Phone Clss] Day3. Casual Coversations - workplace Wrong Part - i ate spicy food called 마라탕 - dosen't have any spicy traditional foods? : 너네 전통음식에 매운 음식없어? - dose ur country have few spicy traditional foods? : 너네 전통음식에 매운 음식은 거의 몇개없어? - i completely agree : 전적으로 동의해 - it has really bad organizational culture : 거긴 나쁜 조직문화를 갖고 있다 - the biggest problem is that it has weekend work - i didn't know my weekend work schedule until that month, so i could..
[Phone Clss] Day4. Article Daily talk - Wrong Part - We had a conference call : 우리는 회상회의를 했어 - they kept trying to relieve my nervousness : 그들은 내 긴장감을 풀려고 계속 애썼어 - how was talking to them? : 대화가 어땠어? - we spoke in ENG - bc Indonesian office will supply this service to B2B customers : IND지사는 b2b고객에게 이 서비스를 공급할거거든 - It's hard to concentrate in conference call, as u know it depends on WIFI-condition, so we got interrupted fe..
[Phone Clss] Day3. article- text 지난번 단어만 하고 끝난 수업 이어서 했다. Article URL : https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/north-korea-says-it-has-put-a-spy-satellite-into-orbit/ZbjiQIlUEe6hU-9y_FA2Wg North Korea Says It Has Put a Spy Satellite into Orbit | Engoo Daily News News content from around the world for English learners. Updated daily for all levels, beginner to advanced! engoo.com Greetings - i did an assignment on 'Terms Of Se..
[Phone Clss] Day2. casual conversations 쌤이 기사 day인거 까먹으신듯? 기사 읽는 건 혼자라도 해야겠다 Wrong Part - i learned about what i'll be doing today : 내가 하게 될 업무에 대해 배웠어 - at the workplace : 직장에서 - i introduced myself to my coworkers : 동료들에게 자기소개를 했어 - they're closed in age to me, and most of them are females : 그들은 나이가 비슷하고 대부분이 여자야 - she taught me things about work : 그녀는 일에 대해 나를 가르쳤어 - i think i'll adjust here easily : 나는 여기 쉽게 적응할 것 같아 - i've been a..
[Phone Clss] Day1. article 사실 전화영어는 약 5개월 전부터 하고 있는데, 티스토리를 작성하는 걸 기준으로 써야하니까 선생님은 그날 그날 녹음본을 주고 틀린 문법을 정정해서 공유주신다. 문법, 뉴스 등 번갈아 배우는데 요즘은 뉴스를 배우는 중 Article URL : https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/north-korea-says-it-has-put-a-spy-satellite-into-orbit/ZbjiQIlUEe6hU-9y_FA2Wg North Korea Says It Has Put a Spy Satellite into Orbit | Engoo Daily News News content from around the world for English learners. Updated daily..