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Phone Clss

[Phone Clss] Day3. article- text


지난번 단어만 하고 끝난 수업 이어서 했다.



URL : https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/north-korea-says-it-has-put-a-spy-satellite-into-orbit/ZbjiQIlUEe6hU-9y_FA2Wg 


North Korea Says It Has Put a Spy Satellite into Orbit | Engoo Daily News

News content from around the world for English learners. Updated daily for all levels, beginner to advanced!




- i did an assignment on 'Terms Of Service'. to be honest, this is my fist time working in the E-commerce industry, so i was little bit busy but it was worth it. bc i gained a deep understanding of my company's service and this industry.


- i chatted with my developer colleagues. they told me their day at work. it was funny.



Improvement Part

- Hold on a second : 잠깐 기다려

- overall, i think this article is challenging for me : 전반적으로 이 기사는 나한테 도전이다

- North Korea will install more Satellites 

- many experts from other countries have published their concerns about this issue

- North Korea was big influenced by Ruissia, as u know, this country still in conflict ad war with Ukraine to this day




- demonstrating the nation's determination to build a space-based surveillance system

: 입증하다, 그 국가의 의지를 우주 기반의 감시 시스템을 구축하여서


- observers doubt (↑) weather the satellite (↑) is advanced enough to perform military recnnaissance

: 관찰통들은 의심하고 있다, 그 인공위성이 이미 충분한지 군사 정찰을 수행할 수 있도록.


- The country had said a third launch would take place in October
: 그 나라는 세번째 발사를 10월에 할 것이라고 강력히 의지를 보였다


- that country has a few resource left, so if they run out, i don't know what extreme risky behavior it does , bc that country nothing to lose



- demonstrate : 입증하다(의지를 보이다)

- demonstration : 증거, 의지, 실험 시연

- nation : 국가

- surveillance : 감시

- doubt : 의심하다

- reconnaissance(뤼카너선쓰) : 정찰대

- condemnation(컨뎀네이쎤ㅆ) : 비난

- surveillance(써베일런쓰)

- lanch(뤄언치) : 설치하다

- cover : 가리다

- capability(케이퍼빌러티즈) : 평가하다

- destabilize(디스테벌라이징) : 불안정하게 하다

- lodge(라우지) : 항의하다

- resource : 자원

--overall sentences : 전반적인 문장




- would + V : (강한의지의) ~ 할 것이다

- would have p.p : (과거로 돌아간다면)을 했을 텐데 

- how + 형/부 + (be)동사 + 주어 : ~이 얼마나 -해? = 형/부강조

  • how heavy is it = 얼마나 무겁니 이건?
  • how late are u = 얼마나 늦니?

how + 형/부 + 주 + (be)동사 : how가 명사 역할 할 때


- what + 명사 +  주어 + (be)동사 + : ~가 얼마나 ~해? = 주어강조

what a beatiful flower there are 



출처 : how 형(부)주동 에서 how+형용사 와 how+부사 의 차이점 (how문법 총정리) : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com)