Wrong Part
- i ate spicy food called 마라탕
- dosen't have any spicy traditional foods? : 너네 전통음식에 매운 음식없어?
- dose ur country have few spicy traditional foods? : 너네 전통음식에 매운 음식은 거의 몇개없어?
- i completely agree : 전적으로 동의해
- it has really bad organizational culture : 거긴 나쁜 조직문화를 갖고 있다
- the biggest problem is that it has weekend work
- i didn't know my weekend work schedule until that month, so i couldn't make a plan at that time
- i had to work weekends once a month
- i was the youngest worker there and the only woman on that team, so almost all of them disrespected me/
- Korea has a law regarding working on weekends, so all Korea copanies have to comply it, esepcially big companies. it was a subsidiary of a big company, so it paid for my weekend duty work : 한국은 주말근무에 대한 법이 있습니다.
- because of reputatiom. i couldn't give up it at that time
- i signed up for a golf class with my own money, even though i have no interest in that sport
- i trying to be liking about it, but it stll wasn't fun : 이것에 대해 좋아지려고 노력했지만, 여전히 재미없었어
- i've been regretting not studying Eng as a teenager thesedays : 10대 때
- i've been trying to study more than when i was teenager
- i had duty work on weekends and the dates were random, so i couldn't make many plan for weekends when i worked there.
- i can only check my my duty work schedule before the current month
- it gave me a really baad experience
- my team leader forced me to learn to play golf at that time
- but i've never been attracted to playing golf. However i had to attend golf lesson in the morning and even paid for them myself. bc he wanted me to go to the same golf course, and it was fucking far away from my home
- he has never felt any guilt towards me : 그는 한번도 나한테 죄책감을 갖지 않았어요
- i tried to get into playing golf. but i failed. bc it was boring and so static.
- that was my third company i mentioned
- i had changed workplaces more often than most people my age : 나는 직장을 많이 옮겼다, 내 또래사람들보다 자주
- An advised resignation occured at the second job
- i offered a salary that was lower than my previous company's
- because i did't think i was good enough ability to earn that money
- they are based in IT, but my previous company was primarily in the manufacturing industry,
while my current company is the mobile service industry.
- i think my current pay is not bad, even appropriate for my industry and level of my work experience
reputation : 명성, 이름값
playing golf : 골프치다
get into : 에 빠지다
static 정적이다
primarily (프라이메럴리) : 주로
the manufacturing : 제조업
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