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North Korea Says It Has Put a Spy Satellite into Orbit | Engoo Daily News
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North Korea Says It Has Put a Spy Satellite into Orbit
: 북한이 궤도에 정찰 위성을 올려두었다 밝혔다.
- surveillance (써베일런스) = 감시
ㄴ the act of wathcing or listening to people, often without their knowledge
- burglars(벌글럴) = 도둑
- fled = 도망쳤다&달아났다 / flee 과거형
- reconnaissance(리코너선ㅆ) = 정찰
ㄴ the activity of observing and gathering information about an area for military purposes
- aerial = 공중의
- condemnation(컨더미네이션) = 비난
ㄴ an act of expressing very strong disapporval
ㄴㄴ ex) the supervisor really condemned about his junior's project
ㄴㄴ ex) there was a condemnation from the project made by one of his's junior
- disapporval = 비찬성
- legitimate(리쥐트밑ㅌ) = 정당한/합법적인
ㄴ ex) may naugthy people don't want to follow legitimate rules.
- obligations(오블리게이션스) : 의무
- lodge(러우지) : 이의제기
ㄴ to make a complaint, claim, etc. to an authority
ㄴㄴ ex) he has been lodging 00000000000000about the results ever since we met.
- etc = et cetera(에쎄더라) : 등등
ㄴㄴ ex) i like cookies in different flavors like vanilla, peanut etc(에쎄더라)
- detonate(데토네잍) : 폭파하다
Wrong Part
- it's been 4 months : 네 달만이었어
- he licked me and wagged his tail
- my dad cooks really well
- they were really shocked at first, but then they congratulated me on my new job
- we talked about everyday life and just did stuff like that
- they know i'm always studying something, espcially about the industry for my job
- i just stucked at home and ate and ate
- my best part was i got a new job
- i'm looking forward to adapt to a new job
- i'm looking forward to improving my Eng, bc i will commuicate with foreigner workers in English
- to be honest, i don't get this article : 솔직히 말해서 이 기사 이해못했어
Improvement Part
- how was ur today & how was it going?에 대한 대답
그냥 그랬어 : Nothing speical happened today / it was a norma day / nothing speical / nothing much
엄청 바빴어 : i was crazy busy / i have been busy
안 좋았어 : i'm not too good / i've been on the job all day and i feel exhausted(이그저스팉)
- just did stuff like that : 그런 비슷한 것들을 했어
- i'm living on my own : 난 나 스스로 독립해서 살아
- i don't get u : 너 말 이해가 안가
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