Daily talk - Wrong Part
- We had a conference call : 우리는 회상회의를 했어
- they kept trying to relieve my nervousness : 그들은 내 긴장감을 풀려고 계속 애썼어
- how was talking to them? : 대화가 어땠어?
- we spoke in ENG
- bc Indonesian office will supply this service to B2B customers : IND지사는 b2b고객에게 이 서비스를 공급할거거든
- It's hard to concentrate in conference call, as u know it depends on WIFI-condition, so we got interrupted few times
- it's a little bit harder to communicate than in offlinne meetings (문법중요!)
- the B2B customers scope is the company itself and its employees : 그 회사의 b2b고객범위는 그 회사 자체와 그의 직원들이야
- i only met 4 people. bc Indoneisa has its own language, and almost of them are not bilingual. so we only communication with people who can speak Eng
Half of Japanese Workers Get Less than 6 Hours' Sleep | Engoo Daily News
According to America's National Sleep Foundation, adults aged 18 to 64 should try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.
- severe(씨비얼)(형) : 심각한, 심한
ㄴ 나쁜 의미 : his leg was severely hurted(부) , the earthquake casued severe damage to most buildings
ㄴ 좋은 의미 : l like u severely(부), my love for u so severe
Useful Part
- adults aged 18 to 64 should try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.
: 18살부터 64살의 나이의 성인은 애써야만 한다, 얻기 위해 7~9시간의 잠을 매일 밤
- they'd like : 그들이 원하는
- 10,000 : 텐싸우전, 만 명
- anxiety : 엥자어리, 불안
- statistic : 스테ㅌ스틱, 통계
- preposition : 전치사
- adjective : 에젝티브, 형용사
- adverb : 에ㄷ벏, 부사
- interfere : 인테퓌얼, 간섭하다
- meddle : 메들, 간섭하다
- curse : 컬ㅆ: 욕하다
- live in comfort : 편안하게 산다
- even while : 심지어
- opportunity to : 할 기회
- for a long time : 오래동안
Wrong Part
- i think the stastic is really similar to Korea, bc we have simliar culture, esepcially in the work culture.
- i think the main reason is the trend towards living a productive life
ㄴ towards(전치사) : 쪽으로
- Normally, Koreans intefere in other's life / Korean meddle in other's life
- if someone lives lazily or in comfort, people curse behind his back
- so people always do something to escape from the target without any choice, even while reducing sleep.
- my sleep time is getting shorter and shorter
- i should work at least 8 hours everyday except on weekends. but i usually study or work on the weekends.
that means i have little opportunity to sleep for a long time
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