Casual Conversation
I thought my class start at 8:10pm
I was just about to take a shower, so nice timing because it's not yet : 막 샤워를 하려던 참이었어서 타이밍이 좋네요
I hung out with my friends who are my previous colleagues, it's been 5 months. so i was so glad to meet them
To be more specific, i worked with them when i was univ student. maybe for 2years?
All of them are workers the same as me, so we don't have much time to hang out with each other
We hung out for 2days : 우리는 이틀동안 놀았다
I usually text my friend first. i think it's the main key to maintaing friendship
I had to conduct two meetings every monday. So i was too busy to control my tasks. i had no downtime (쉴시간도 없었어) but it happens routinely. so i mean not necessarily because it's the beginning of the month, i'm always busy that day.
Beacause i've been preparing to enter graduate school abroad : 왜냐면 난 석사 과정을 준비중이야
it's for living in another country for too simple a reason. my last goal in there is to live my whole life. yea i will emigrate
i've been living only focusing on my future goal.
so what the thing i do is only these things right now : 내가하는 일은 오직 이런일들 뿐입니다 지금은
I think this is the right decision for all citizens.
Becuase i have two opinions.
First, these kind of issues happen without realized by them.
I read a newspaper that wrote about caused by elderly people. Especially many problems caused by the elderly people who have suffered from Alzheimer's
Second, The global environment is getting worse, As you know.
So we need to regulate some traffic. So this is kind of a resolution for green living.
S. Korea Asks Elderly Drivers to Give Up Licenses | Engoo Daily News
In South Korea, car accidents involving older drivers have been increasing.
- the number of traffic accidents involving drivers aged older went up each year from 2020 to 2022, despite the total number of traffic accidents decreasing during the same period. : 그 교통사고의 수는(장년층 운전자를 포함한) 증가했다 2020부터 2022까지. 동일 기간동안 전체 교통사고수는 감소한것에 반해서
* despite는 전치사이므로 뒤에 명사가 와야 함
- Of these(여기서), only around 3% chose to give up their driving licenses.
to be more specific : 자세히 말하자면
come into effect : 효력이 있다
A review of the movie "EXHAMUA"
i wanna tell about the moive review which i watched on last weekend. the movie name is "EXHAMUA".
The director is known as a master of Spooky movie.
Frist, i want to introduce the main characters.
There are four main characters here.
The female's name is Go-eun, and her job is s shamann.
Do you know this job? Maybe it's similar to a Catholic priest. Maybe.
Another character name is Dohyun,like her,his job is shaman too.
And the others are Minsik and Hyejin. They are working for traditional myth.
Especially to find a good land. I think every Korean thinks that finding a good land is super important to live on or to work on. anyhow, to summarize they all work in the traditional cultural industry.
To summarize this story, a client invited Go-eun and Dohyun.
So they found a severe angry ghost. they need to burn a coffin that the ghost was put in.
But to do this task, they need supporters. so they met Minsik and Hyejin.
they emphazied the pay which the client suggested for work done.
So, the day came when they dug the coffin. after taking the coffin out, the ghost ran away suddenly.
so they all searched to find him. Along the way(그 과정에서) They had found another suspicious coffin and discovered that grave was made to curse Korea by Japan. Yes, that was the remain of the colonial period.
After watching it for one hour, i thought "Oh Has this movie already ended?" but that wasn't the case. That was the beginning of the real movie. I really recommend you to watch this movie. Because your country has a similar history of colonization. it's worth it to spend 2.5 hours. it's a masterpiece