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[Phone Clss] Day13. Talking about daily routine + Discussion about the article





Casual Conversation

- That meeting is not for my main job, but for my side project : 실제 업무로 위한 미팅은 아니고 , 사이드 프로젝트 목적이요

- I will take videos of my on-line class that i enrolled in. I need to take five videos.

- It's okay because the videos are 50min each, so less than an hour : 괜찮아, 왜냐면 각 비디오는 50 분량이거든

- I have take a class every week : 난 매주마다 강의를 들어야 해

- I haven't had my dinner yet, so i will do that after this class 

- It was drizzling today : 오늘 이슬비가 내렸어


- Korea has a culture of competition for the parental wealthy : 한국은 부모의 부에 대한 경쟁 문화를 갖고 있습니다.

- For example, let's just say a student brings expensive stuff. then the other students feel devastated(데버스테이터드). So the parents of a child in that class try to buy the same thing for their child's self-esteem. Because we always rank someone by wealth(우리는 부를 통해 누군가의 순위를 정한다)  And this culture stays in society, even after graduation. So this culture is the reason why it's so expensive to raise a child here


- Rasing a creature is hard work : 무언가 창조물을 키운다는 건 어려운 일이다. 


- i think this generation wants to raise their children to be people with high self-esteem. But i think the strategy which they use to raise children is definitely wrong. Because they only focus on buying expensive things, do not care about children's mindsets and attitudes. This phenomenon makes Korean's life increasingly devastated. kids are more rude and more self-centered, and parents should make more money to survive in this culture, even if they take risks.




URL : https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/raising-a-child-costs-most-in-south-korea/SR16ItSrEe6qMR8ShpX76w 


Raising a Child Costs Most in South Korea | Engoo Daily News

The cost of raising a child is highest in South Korea and China, according to a new report by Beijing's YuWa Population Research Institute.


But it's not only money that parents have to spend — it's time too. And this is another reason young people are choosing not to have children, according to the institute.

: 부모가 소비해야하는 것은 돈 뿐만이 아니다. 이것은 시간도 마찬가지이다. 그리고 다른 이유는 젊은 사람들이 선택하는것을 하지 않기 때문에다, 아이들을 갖는 것에, 기관에 따르면.


For example, it said that in China, between 2010 and 2018, the amount of time parents spent helping their children with elementary school homework increased from less than four hours to almost six hours per week.

: 예를 들면, 그 기관은 말했다, 중국은 2010년과 2010년 사이에, 그 시간의 총량은 부모들이 그들의 초등학생 자식들을 초등학교 과제를 돕는데 사용하는 증가했다, 4시간보다 덜 에서 거의 6시간으로 매주마다.




법을 제정하다 : enact a law 
이건 여기서 만연하다 : it's so pervaise here
경쟁을 부추기다 : it stirs up competition
모두가 자신의 아이들 이기적이게 키운다 : every perosn raises their child selfishly