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Phone Clss

[Phone Clss] Day4. Article - work attitude


Casual Conversation

- the main goal is to upgrade my work insight and knowledge about this mobile industry

- the main issue in this work is sudden errors.

- because it never shared its wake-up time with me : 그건 한번도 발생시간을 나랑 공유하지 않았어

- Error always occur suddenly

- other than this, i'm not usually very busy

- that sentence doesn't make sense to me : 저 문장이 나한테 와닿지 않아

- do i have to add a noun after 'ask for'?  : ask for 뒤에 명사 붙여야돼?



URL : https://engoo.com/app/lessons/business-business-situations-making-requests/xBzRYj4yEee7_lsX2vkANQ?category_id=RWVinsOrEeiE8w-LaNCm_w&course_id=Ry6ovlnaEe2mXKekcQCOfg 


Making Requests | Engoo

English language learning content based on recent news articles.





  • May I ask you to...? : 질문형
  • Is it okay to ask for... : 요청형 / 주제확인용
  • Would you mind if I...? : 요청형
  • Would you mind helping me with...? : 요청형
  • I was wondering if you could... : 담당자 확인형
  • Could you do that for me, please? : 요청형 
  • Do you think you might be able to...? : 요청형
  • Would it be possible to...? : 요청형, 질문형
  • I was hoping you could... : 요청형
  • I would appreciate it if you could... : 요청형
  • Would it be too much to ask...? : 요청형

- you don't have to do it immediately, but i would appreciate it if~ : 당장할 필요는 없지만 그래도


- of course not은 안돼가 아니라 물론 삽가능이지 라는 의미




ability to work : 업무 능력

other than this : 이것만 제외하면

noun : 명사

thoroughly(뜨루얼리) : 철저하게

examine : 검사하다, 조사하다

sure thing : 물론이지