- 부사 : 없어도 되는데 사용해서 동사를 꾸미는데 쓰는 단어 , 아무자리나 insert
- 접속사 : if, before, after, when, that
9강4. 부사절
- 부사절 : 절(=주어+동사)를 써서 동사를 꾸며줌 , 아무자리나 insert, 주절과 주어가 똑같더라도 따로 작업이 없으면 주어 생략 불가능함
- 주어가 같으면 따로 작업이 없으면 주어 생략 하는법 = 분사구문 만들기
(1) 주절과 부사절의 주어가 같으면 부사절 주어 제거 + 부사절, 주어 관계가 능동이면 부사절 동사를 ing로 바꿔서 생략함
Are you going to get a job after graduating?
You must pay your tuition before attending classes
make yourself at home while waiting
(2) 주절과 부사절의 주어가 같으면 부사절 주어 제거 + 부사절, 주어 관계가 수동이면 부사절 동사를 p.p만 남기고 생략
invited to his birthday, i didn't go
10강 1~2.5가지 부사절
1. 시간 부사절 : when / before / after / as soon as / while / since
Are you going to get a job after you graduate
You must pay your tuition before you attend classes
It has been six months since he joined the army
Make yourself at home(= 집처럼 편하게 있으렴) while you wait => 명령문이므로 주어가 생략됨
Before i left for work, i ate breakfast
While i was walking to class, i ran into an old friends
While i was sitting in class, i fell alseep
After Peter fininshed his homework, he went to bed
Because Leesun needed some money to buy a book, she borrowed money form Yoon
2. 이유 부사절(~때문에) : because & since & as
I am angry because you always take his side
Since i have no work to do today, i will help you move to the new place
As you were not at the office, i left you a message
Since Yoon came to Hong kong, she has made many friends
3. 양보 부사절(~하지만, ~에도 불구하고)(다른 이를 위해 양보한 느낌) : Although , Even
Although I was invited to his birthday party, i didn't go
Even though Yoon is the boss(상사), we are also good friends
4. 조건 부사절 : 당장 앞에 닥친 상황에 대한 가정, 미래에 대한 가능성이 있는 가정
조건 부사절 현재형 + 주절 미래형 will
it it rains tomorrow, i will stay home (당장 비올 수도 있음)
if you get a good grade, i will buy you a computer (당장 훌륭한 점수를 맞을 자질이 있음)
if he comes late again, i will not stay in touch with him anymore (당장 늦을 자질이 있음)
5. 가정 부사절 : 이미 있는 것과 반대의 상황, 당장 이뤄질 수 없는 현상황 => 부사절 동사 과거형, 해석은 지금~라면
조건 부사절 과거형(be동사는 주어 무관 were) + 주절 조동사 현재형 대신 would, could, might(~였을텐데) + 동사원형
could = 능력, 가능성
might : 추측
If my son got a good score, i would be happy (당장 점수 못받음)
if i were you, i wouldn't get into a relationship with him (당장 당신이 아님) (was 말고 were)
if i had some money, i could buy a computer (당장 돈 없음)
if the weather were nicer, we might eat outside on the terrace (당장 날씨 안좋음)(was말고 were) 밖에서 먹었을텐데
if i knew his numbe, i could call him (당장 번호 없음)
if i were you, i wouldn't buy that coat (당장 너가 아님)
if i were hungry, i could eat everything on the table (당장 배고프지 않음)(was 말고 were)
if it weren't so cold, i could go out (당장 날씨 좋지 않음)(was 말고 were)
if i taught this class, i wouldn't give tests (당장 가르치치 않음)
10강3. wish 부사절
- wish에 해당하는 주절 or 부사절 하나만 적어서, 간단하게 쓸 수 있음
if i were hungry, i could eat everything on the table
=> i wish i were hungry
=> i wish i could eat everything on the table
if i had time(now), i could meet you
=> i wish i had time(now)
=> i wish i could meet you
if i were you, i wouldn't date him
=> i wish i were you
=> i wish i wouldn't date him
If he came on time, it would be a miracle
=> i wish he came on time
=> 주어 동사가 달라서 생략불가
If i had money, i would buy a computer
=> i wish i had money
=> i wish i would buy a computer
10강3. 과거 부사절
- 조건절이 불가능하여 가정 부사절만 가능 = 과거가 되는 순간 당장 이뤄질 수 없는 현상황이 됨
- 가정 부사절은 현재를 과거시제로 표현하므로, 과거는 대과거(had p.p)로 표현함 (주절 조동사 또한 대과거 : 조동사 have p.p로 표현)
could = 능력, 가능성
might : 추측(아마 였을지도)
should - 후회 (할 걸 그랬는데) + no 가정절 only 주절
if you had told me about the problem, i would have helped you
if i had studied harder, i would have gone to seoul univ => might 사용도 가능함
= if i'd studied harder, i would've gone to seoul univ (i'd- 아이드, would've - 우드브)
if i had had time in the morning, i could have eaten breakfast today
=> 그러나 실제로 원어민은 had had를 안좋아해서 had 한 번만 사용함
if i had finished my work early, i would have gone to bed before midnight
if i had (had) money, i would have stopped by the super market on my way back home
if i he had been honest, i wouldn't have lost my trust
if i had voted in the election, i would not have voted for Donal Trump
i should have written the script for podcast last night
i shouldn't have eaten a pizza in the lunch time
주절은 아니지만 부사절도 if를 제거하고 아래 구조로 사용 가능 (단, 해석적 가능시)
you should have told me, i could have bought for you
I should have stopped by the super market on my way back home
(+) 관계부사절 where
- 앞에 the place, situation, place, case, game 등 장소 의미 명사가 생략된 형태가 많음
- where은 해석하지 않음 (뜻 없음)
This is (the place) where i have lived for two years
The game where you compete to match with another team
This is (the place) where i used to keep my computer
10강3. 혼합 가정
- 현재 당장과 그 과거의 당장이 혼합되는 경우
- 혼합 시점 가정 : 과거 당장 부사절(if had p.p) + 현재 당장 주절(would could might 동사원형)
if i had married , i would be england now
if i had eaten breakfast several hours ago, i wouldn't be hungry now
if i hadn't drank too much last night, i wouldn't be tired now(감정이니까 ed)
if i had taken that job, i would be happy
if i had bought that stock, i could be rich
'Grammar' 카테고리의 다른 글
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