240103 수업 내용정리 (하이고 많이도 밀렸구나)
Casual Conversation
- I've been through a lot recently : 너무 많은 일을 겪었어요
- i have been assigned lots of work by workplace : 일을 너무 많이 배정받았어요
- i had a lot of work : 일을 많이해야 했어요
- i was totally swamped with them : 그것들 때문에 엄청 바빴었었어
- we discussed about our service. Because it failed to achieve goals that didn't match our desired numbers.
- it was quite serious at the meal time.
- i've learned a lot from this project.
- tbh Christmas is not important day for Koreans.
- it's not big day for Korean. Bc almost Koreans don't have a religion. so it was just a holiday for me.
- i attended a language exchange class on the last day of the month.
- We jusy talked about our daily lives without gifts.
- We were enjoying the musics and making friends.
- I think i blew it. Bc it was my first time leading the meeting with foreigner colleagues.
- her Eng skill made me so cheap. so, my head was blanked. : 그녀의 영어는 내 기를 죽였고, 내 머리가 하얗게 됐어
- it really much better than before.
- I prefer a busy life. so i mad myself busy. My CEO has proposed a life with work-life balance. but i've worked so hard still thesdays.
- My new year's resolution is only one. Upgrading my Eng skill up to fluency.
- My social life is peachy. : 내 사회생활은 평화로워
- I usually hang out with my friends once or twice a weeks.
- I have to give up my greed in work : 일에서 내 욕심을 버려야 해
- I'm trying to stop eating this food : 그 음식을 끊으려고 노력중이다.
- Season 2 of my fav drama is scheduled to be relased this Fri. : 내 최애 드라마 시즌2가 이번주 금요일에 개봉 예정야.
- the drama is about a biological experiment conducted on humnas during the Janpanese colonial period : 일제 강점기때 자행된 인간 생체실험에 대한 이야기야
- one of the main characters became a monster bc of the biological experiment : 주인공 중 한명이 그 생체실험으로 괴물이됩니다.
- it's an old KOR name : 그건 한국의 옛 이름입니다.
- i've already been there
- they are open-minded
- Taiwanese : 대만사람
- new year's resolution : 새해 다짐
- greed in work : 일적인 욕심
- blow it : 망치다
- colonial rule : 식민 통치
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