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[Grammar] Cambridge- Four corners (Step 8.)


강조 개념

- Compound nouns : A combination of two or more nouns

- I'm trying to do my part to help the environment

- How many kilometers have you driven?

- how does it run?

- Are there any questions they might ask(낮) / that you think are too personal (높)/ and that you would now answer?

- It's taking forever to get to work : 일터가는데 하루종일 걸리겠다

- The traffic seems to get worse and worse

- We won't get stress out before work

- Have you heard of or seen any unique homes or buildings?



- 기본적으로 if자리에는 원형만쓰고 아래 설명된 조동사(might,may 등)을 쓰지 앟는다

- 결과에 덜 확신이 있는 경우 : may, might, could

  • Maybe we should start taking public transportation 

- 결과에 큰 확신이 있는 경우 : will


틀린 문제

- Almost everything has changed sophisticated(소피스틱케이팉으)

- The same reason below 


새로 알게된 단어

- e waste : 전자 폐기물

- present tense : 현재 시제

- AP : Approximate answer

- AV : Avoiding answering

- modal : 조동사

- clothesline : 옷 말리는 철사

- The stressed word : 강조 단어 

- quantifiers퀀터파이얼스 : 수량자(수량을 세어주는 형용사), 한정사