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[Grammar] Cambridge- Four corners (Step 5.)


강조 개념

You can make a comparison with adjectives

- old/tall/small(adjective) + er


You can make a comparison with adjectives어드젝티브스

- not as ~(adjectives)~ as

  ex) It's not as big as that building


You can make a comparison with nouns

- ex) More visitors than, more observation space than


many 최상급 : most

nice - nicer - nicest

dry - drier - driest 

Most of the status face inland : 대부분 동상은 내륙에 향해있다

Do you think you ever go there ? : 너 나중에 거기갈거야? 


틀린 문제

The building is not as new as the second building

A subway ride is as expensive as a subway ride in other cities  (만큼 값이 든다)

He recommended the view of central park from the inside the Empire State Building

You can see all views of Seoul


It can accommodate more people than the second 


새로 알게된 단어

canal : 운하(수로)

plaza : 큰 광장

inland : 내륙

face : 에 향하다

valley : 골짜기

intonation : 억양

islander : 섬 사람