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[Phone Clss] Day10. How To-Do lists help us work better




Casual Conversation

- I'm going to my hometown to spend time with my family

* going to go 장소 : 언젠가는 할건데 확실하지 않음

* going to 장소 : 확실히 하기로 정해짐


- we are going to grandpa's home to meet the rest of our family memebers.

- i think i will picing fruits, because my grandparents have Orchard(올철드). : 할아버지가 과수원을 가지셔서 과일을 딸 것 같다.

- Most of the trees are apple trees, and others are grapes, pear tress and so on 

- I don't know them much : 난 그들과 친하지 않아

- They have been growing lettuce, tomatoes, and other fruits.

- We just say 'hi' and then do something seperately.

- Because i have been living on my own for 7 years, i couldn't meet my other family members often.

- The best part is eating a variety of foods. Because i come form a large family

- Most boomers always nag me. Because i'm part of their family. That's the only reason

- They usually ask me some questions that cross the line 

- I think the to-do list is creating some pressure. because the research was already written in the article, we feel guilty when we cannot finish the whole tasks on the to-do list

- to-do list is useful for my job. because i always trying to manage tasks at the same time or in a day. Because of the nature of my job.(issues never wait for me) So i usually forget at least one of them. I always create a to-do list before work or as soon as something comes up.

- i don't want to be irresponsible person

- i might have done that, even though i hadn't noticed

- i usually interrupted by my colleagues. because i'm a kind of product's mother. So they have to ask me something to do their taks.




URL : How To-Do Lists Help Us Work Better | Engoo Daily News


How To-Do Lists Help Us Work Better | Engoo Daily News

Working through a to-do list can help you get more done and reduce your stress.





Gaing the scholarship freed him from financial pressure : 학위습득은 해방시켰다 그를, 금전 압박에서



This supports the idea / that crossing a task off a list / frees our minds to focus on other things. 

이건 뒷받침한다 생각을 / 작업목록의 크로스체킹의/ 해방한다 우리의 마음을 다른 것들에 초점두는 것에서




nag : 잔소리

free : 해방하다

NIECE(니스) : 조카

psychologist(사이콜로지스트) : 심리학자 

irresponsible(이러스 펀서블) : 무책임한 

move on : 넘어가자

in one day : 하루만에