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Business words

[ Unbusiness ENG ] PART 1


카테고리는 같지만, 업무 시에도 캐주얼 대화는 하니깐요



- oh, is that match a continuation of the previous match?

- i turned 27years yesterday

- just out of curiosity : 그냥 궁금증이야

- i don't know, but i couldn't ask her that for someone reason : 나도 몰라, 왠지모르게 그녀한테 못물어 봤어

- it's wrong day to this : 이걸하기에 맞지 않는 날이네

- That's going to take a week : 그거 일주일 걸릴걸요

- two peas in a pod : 둘이 똑닮았네

- it's different from that : 이건 저거랑 달라

- just so you know : 참고해둬

- It's you again : 또 만났네

- what is it all for? : 원하는게 뭐니?

- i have realized that, but that's so weird anyway

- well, i wouldn't want it to go to waste  (☆ 문장구조 중요)

- what's a fun day this has been! : 오늘 정말 즐거웠어!

- that's a news to me : 그거 처음듣는 소린데

- I should hit the books : 나 빡공해야해

- i don't know how to respond to that : 내가 어떻게 반응해야되냐

- I will bring some drinks, don't get up : 아 내가 마실거 가져올게, 앉아있어

- that person is so guarded : 그 사람은 너무 답답이야

- when he gets here, show him the lineup : 그가 여기로 오면, 얼굴좀 보여줘

- fun to daydream though, isn't it?: 망상하기는 재밌지 안그래? 

- I don't care what other people think : 남들 생각 관심없어 (other + 복수형 : 그 전부 나머지)

- my friend is terrified of high places : 내 친구는 높은 곳을 공포스러워 한다

- I'm trying to hanging there : 난 애쓰고 있어

- In fact, the contray is ture : 사실은 그 반대가 정답이야

- i made every mistake in a book : 나 오늘 모든것에 엉망진창으로 했어

- can you help me come up with a solution? : 너도 나의 해결책 고민해줄래? 
- I have worked in the IT industry for about 1 year in sales planning and 2 years as a project manager (PM). 
-  In my sales planning role, i focused more on leading projects and conducting meetings with clients for new projects, rather than accounting data. Based on this experience, I changed my job to PM.
As a PM, my main responsibilities included having regular meetings with clients to understand their needs
and improve the services accordingly. also, I reviewed the operational status and suggest improvements.
I felt my experiences aligned well with the position this compamy is hiring for, which is why I have decided to apply.

- i just need to get dressed : 나 옷만 입으면 돼

- no, you can have the rest : 나머지 다 너 가져

- how do say this in Korea? : 한국말로 뭐라고 해?

- My dog has been to massage theraphy several times : 내 강아지는 (시점은 모르겠는데 아무튼) 경험이있다 주물림하는 것에 테라피차원으로 여러번 has been이 현재 완료 + to뒤가 동사이면서 주어의 목적

- i took a medicine and it is starting kick in : 약먹었는데 약효 이제 돈다 

- he feels numbs with shock : 그는 충격받아 멍한다

- I think im gonna be 10mins early : 나 10분 일찍 도착할거야

- they can be a lot : 그들은 좀 독특해

- it's so freaking small : 이거 엄청 작다

- we need to stick together if you want to win : 이기고 싶으면 단합해야돼

- I'm dumbstruck : 나 어이가 없다

- what's going on? : 무슨 일이야?

- i got stuck : 나 막혔어

- i can't do squat / i can't see squat: 나 아무것도 못해

- I'll give a shot : 한번 해볼게

- stop it, you are freaking me out right now : 너나 지금 무섭게 하네?

- i'm sure it's here somewhere : 이거 분명히 여기있어

- i'm just not feeling up to it right now : 나 그거할 기분 아냐(귀찮어)

- This soup tastes little bit funny : 맛이 이상해

- i think you totally messed up the order : 주문 잘못받으신거 같아요

- it tastes really healthy : 진짜 건강한 맛이다 이건

- i got accepted to all the graduated schools i applied : 내가 지원했던 모든 대학원에서 합격을 받았다

- see? : 봤지?

- this is just surreal : 안믿겨

- now all you have to do is choose one : 지금 너가 할 일은 선택하는거야

- You think so? : 그렇게 생각해?

- i suppose that make sense : 일리가 있네

- how am i supposed believe you? : 내가 당신을 어떻게 믿어요?

- It's ultimately up to you : 전적으로 당신에게 달렸어

- I guess we'll just have to see what happens : 무슨일이 일어나는지 지켜보자

- i'll take you for a drive : 내가 운전해줄게

- that's what i'm saying : 내 말이 그말이야

- whatever you selling, i'm not buying it : 아 말도안되는거 안사요

- let me tell you about my new job : 새 직업 얘기해줄게

- but with some help, you should be fine : 하지만 도움조금 받으면, 넌 잘할거야

- I can definitely relate to that dilemma : 나 그 딜레마알아

- Why don't we sleep on it and let me know in the moring? : 하루밤뒤에 알려줘도 될까?

- Whatever you decide to do, i'm all for it : 너가 무슨선택을 하든, 난 너편이야

- I'll always support to you no matter what : 너가 뭘하든간에 지지할게

- I don't care no matter what they call us : 그들이 우리를 뭐라부르든간에 난 신경안써

- hey, just hear me out will you? : 아 일단 들어보라니까?

- I was cooped to my home on last weekends : 나 저번주말에 집콕했어

- What is the ENG word for honey? = Do you know what the Korean word for honey is? : 이거 꿀을 한국어로 뭐라하게?

- This is used to cure some animals : 이건 몇 마리 동물들을 치료하는데 사용된다

- They used to close to each other : 그들은 원래 서로 친했어

- I plug my charger into the outlet : 나는 충전기를 콘센트에 꽂았어

- This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal : 것이다 우리의 지배계급이 선택해온, 이게 정상이 될것이다




as : ~하면서

giveaway : 사은품

desperate(데스프릿) : 자포자기한

left and right : 계속해서, 주구 장창

reckless : 무모한

on a buget : 아껴쓰려 계획중인

dangers : 위험들

just as : ~처럼

trivia mind : 사소한 질문들을 잘하는 사람

genocide : 특정 민족 말살

colonizer : 식민지 개척자

ruling class : 지배 계급

self-immolated : 자살하다

it just that : 그게 아니라 사실은

chop chop : 서둘러





'Business words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[ Business ENG ] PART 2  (0) 2024.02.05